As a writer, you want your writing to be awesome & flawless, right? But those little mistakes – typos, comma placement, misused words – can trip you up sometimes & lower the quality of your writing.
Are you tired of making the same grammar mistakes over & over again in your writing? Do you want to elevate your writing skills & impress your readers with perfect grammar?
This guide is for you! It will act like a guardian angel for you. Today, we are going to break down some of the most common grammar mistakes writers make & provide you with some practical ways to avoid them like an expert. So, get ready to write flawlessly like a true champ!
A grammar mistake is when you don’t follow the basic rules of grammar. For example, if you don’t use punctuation or words correctly in your writing, you commit grammar errors. Grammar rules are there to help you comprehend your writing better.
By learning about common grammar mistakes people make, understanding the impact of good writing habits, and knowing how to fix these errors, you can fine-tune your writing skills & become a better writer than ever before.
Hey there, writers! Honestly speaking, grammar can be very tricky & challenging. But panic not because here are six grammar mistakes that haunt writers. So, know about them & learn how to banish them from your work.
In subject-verb agreement, the subject of your sentence (the “what” or “who” of your sentence) has to agree with its verb in number (singular or plural). Unfortunately, some mediocre writers commit this grammar mistake.
The dog are on the table.
The dog is on the table.
In this example, the singular dog needs a singular verb “is.” With that in mind, you should avoid the subject-verb agreement mistake.
A comma is just like a small pause. It doesn’t have the power to hold two complete thoughts together. And when you combine two whole sentences into one, it is called a run-on sentence. It makes it hard for readers to comprehend the concept.
I went to the grocery store, it was out of broccoli. (This sentence is very confusing.)
I went to the grocery store. It was out of broccoli. “This sentence is clear & easy to read.)
To avoid this mistake, you should use a period (.) or semicolon (;) to separate two sentences.
In this example, the singular dog needs a singular verb “is.” With that in mind, you should avoid the subject-verb agreement mistake.
You know that apostrophe has a specific job to do in writing. It shows possession (the dog’s teeth). With that in mind, you should use it in possession cases. In addition to being used for ownership, it can also be used to shorten words like “Doesn’t” (which means “does not”).
They will go to the park’s tomorrow. (The word “park” doesn’t own tomorrow. Therefore, it will not require any apostrophe)
They will go to the park tomorrow. (This sentence is written in the perfect form)
To avoid this mistake, you should use a period (.) or semicolon (;) to separate two sentences.
Words that sound the same but have different spellings & meanings are called homophones. Examples of homophones are “there,” & “they’re,” as well as “your” & “you’re.”
How to avoid their confusion? It is simple: you should double-check the usage of homophones in your writing. This way, you will be able to choose the correct word for the context.
There going to the cinema. (Here, the word “There” creates confusion in readers’ minds.)
They’re going to the cinema. (Here they’re= they are)
To avoid this mistake, you should use a period (.) or semicolon (;) to separate two sentences.
What is a dangling modifier? It occurs when a specific word or phrase that is supposed to describe something is unclear or missing. This leads to confusion in a sentence. Therefore, a modifier should connect to the word it modifies. Most people leave it dangling like a misplaced comma. You should avoid it at any cost if you want to improve your writing skills.
Running down the street, the sparrow fly out of the nest. (Who is running down the street? It is unclear.)
Running down the street, I saw the sparrow fly out of the nest. (Here, the description tells what the person is describing.)
To avoid this mistake, you should use a period (.) or semicolon (;) to separate two sentences.
You can easily fix dangling modifiers by carefully placing them near the word they are meant to modify. This way, you can avoid any head-scratching confusion.
In the previous step, we talked about dangling modifiers. Now, we will discuss misplaced modifiers & how people make this mistake. Well, a misplaced modifier grammar mistake occurs when you don’t position descriptive words & phrases in a sentence properly.
He only found the bottle in the fridge. (This means that he found the bottle exclusively in the fridge.)
He found only the bottle in the fridge. (This is the correct version that describes that he didn’t find anything else in the fridge except the bottle.)
You can avoid committing misplaced modifiers by placing modifiers close to the words they describe.
Are you struggling with common grammar mistakes like subject-verb agreement, run-on sentences, confusing homophones, apostrophe abuse, & misplaced modifiers? A free grammar checker can be your best friend in helping you avoid these mistakes. Here is how it can help you fix these mistakes:
The grammar-checking tool can help you catch subject-verb agreement mistakes & suggest fixes.
The tool makes sure your sentences have proper punctuation.
Have you used too many apostrophes in your writing? An AI grammar checker identifies misused apostrophes.
Do the same sounds give you headaches? The grammar checker can help you choose the right words according to the context of your text.
The tool uses artificial intelligence to highlight all dangling modifiers in your text. This way, you can remove them to make your writing more engaging & clearer.
Do you usually forget who is doing the real action in your sentences? An AI grammar checker can spot this mistake & suggest ways to correct it.
These are only a few ways the grammar checker can be your true friend. So the next time you are unsure about the clarity in your writing, give it a try.
If you pay attention to these common grammar mistakes & implement the suggested solutions, you can easily improve your writing skills & write flawless content that resonates with your audience.
However, we recommend you proofread your work carefully & use a free grammar checker to refine your grammar skills. With regular practice, you can become a better version of yourself.